Supporting My Small Business

I am writing to express my deep gratitude for your unwavering support of Nourishing Massage and your continued trust in my care. As the proud owner of this small business, I am truly grateful for every decision you make, as it significantly influences the success and growth of Nourishing Massage.

Your ongoing trust in my care is not only appreciated but crucial to the sustenance and prosperity of this establishment. I would like to take this opportunity to share some insights into how you can play an even more essential role in supporting Nourishing Massage.

One key aspect that greatly affects our operations is the method of payment chosen by our clients. Opting for cash or check transactions over credit cards can have a substantial impact on the financial health of Nourishing Massage. Credit card transactions typically incur a 3.5% fee, and by choosing to pay with cash or check, you actively contribute to minimizing these fees. This seemingly small adjustment can make a significant difference in my ability to allocate more funds and resources toward enhancing your overall massage experience.

The financial savings from reduced credit card fees can be reinvested into various aspects of Nourishing Massage. For instance, it allows for the acquisition of upgraded equipment that can further elevate the quality of your massage sessions. Additionally, it provides the flexibility to invest in continuing education classes, enabling me to stay updated on the latest techniques and expand the range of services offered. Your choice to pay with cash or check, therefore, has a positive ripple effect, directly contributing to the growth and improvement of Nourishing Massage.

Moreover, your decision to opt for cash or check not only fuels the growth of Nourishing Massage but also ensures that I can consistently provide the exceptional care and attention that you deserve. It strengthens the foundation of our relationship and allows me to focus on delivering high-quality services without the constraints of unnecessary fees.

I want to sincerely thank you for considering this slight adjustment in your payment method. Your support is invaluable, and I am genuinely excited about the prospect of continuing to provide you with the utmost love and care that you deserve. As Nourishing Massage evolves and grows, it is your continued support that makes this journey possible.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am always here to ensure that your experience at Nourishing Massage remains exceptional.

Thank you once again for being a instrumental part of the growth of Nourishing Massage.

I am currently accepting new clients. If you know anyone that would benefit from a nourishing massage, please don’t hesitate to refer them. When you refer a friend, co-worker, or loved one to me, I will treat them with the same care, love, and willingness to help them with which I am helping you.
Yours in health,
Dana M. Brandt
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